2012년 10월 21일 일요일

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미래 설계도

10대: 앞 뒤 보지말고 공부에만 전념한다<<<나의 꿈을 그리면서ㅋ 그리고 그러고 싶다... RGS에서 하나님의 응답속에서 ㅎㅎ 공부하고 강원외고에 간다!
강원외고에가면 또 죽어라 앞도 뒤도 보지말고 공부하지만 하나님의 계획을 찾으면서
전도의 축복을 누린다
<<<만약에 RGS에 남으면 2년 만에 공부를해서(힘들겠지만;;) 수능을 맛보기로? 본 다음에 1년 동안 여유를 살짝 누리면서 공부한다.

20대: 어느 대학에 있을지는 아직 잘 모르겠지만 여전히 꿈을 그리며 대학 생활과 자유(?)를
즐긴다.<<<꿈을 가지고 있다는 사실에 감사할 것이다 ㅎㅎ 그리고 꿈을 함께할 동료를 만난다!<<<내 꿈은 혼자서 이룰 수 없기 때문에. 해외 봉사활동을 하면서 눈과 비전을 넓히고 구체화 시킨다. 어차피 평생해야 하는 공부 대학원과정까지 가서 후회하지 않을 지식을 준비한다.

30대: "가치를 창조한다"는 가치관과 함께 기업을 차린다<<,이름은 아직 모르겠음....--
잘 되는 건 바라지도 않는다. 오히려 내 기업 때문에 사람을 인생에 가치가 창조되기를 바란다. 하나님의 계획과 세계 트렌드에 맞춰 가치를 놓치고 있는 현장을 찾아 기업을 발전 시킨다. 조급해 하지 않는다.

40대: 어느 정도 발전이 되서 다른 사회적 기업과 Join해서 좀 더 좋은 방향을 찾아 사회를 돕
는다. 내가 돕고 있는 현장으로 직접 여행도 간다.<<<마음에 좀 더 담기 위해서 정기 적으로 쉬는 기간도 정해서 다른 방향으로 새지 않도록 보완하고 힘을 얻는다.

50대: 슬슬 기업을 물려 줄 생각을 한다. 기업의 자금을 어느정도 모아서 청소년들이 올바른
비전과 꿈을 찾을 수 있도록 후원하는 단체를 만들고 우리 기업에서 인턴십 기회를 제공 함으로서 올바른 비전이 무엇인지 배우고 키울 수 있도록 도와준다. 책을 쓰기시작한다.

60대: 나는 지치지 않는다. 책을 통해 사람들에게 힘을 주고 원하는 곳이 있다면 강연도 할
것이다. 그것이 애초에 내 인생의 목표였기 때문이다. 70, 80대 까지 그런 인생을 살 것이다.

--> 내 배우자는 렘넌트+나와 같은비전+ 시너지 효과를 일으킬 수 있는 전문성을 가져야 한다. <<<키도 나보다 크고 ㅋㅋ. 자식은 2명 안그러면 사회를 돕기 위한 내 기업 관리를 잘 할 수 없다. 책은 10권 정도는 쓰고 죽을 거다. 죽기전에는 하나님께 영광을 돌릴 것이고, 후대에도 그런 응답이 이러나기를 바랄 것이다.

P.s 나중에 보면 얼마나 웃길까?

2012년 1월 16일 월요일

[Do you know River boy?] 13th day.

    Hi! I come back with book review. The book that I will tell you about is one of book that was written by my favorite writer. This book' writer is Tim bowler who is from England. Don't think about this book is story about a boy who is live in river! Actually this book is story about one girl named Jess.

  Jess is a  normal girl who loves swim. She was live with her mother, father also his grand father. Especially her grandfather is an artist, who always draw pictures wit out title. One day, her grandfather getting sick, but grand father rejects about go to hospital. Instead her family decide to go to grandfather's hometown village. 

     Jess see a picture of grandpa and it has title. The title was "River boy". In the village Jess enjoys swimming in the valley that located beside village.Then one night she see a boy swimming in the water, so Jess tries to see him but he always disappeared when she is getting near                      US version River Boy              with him. 

     Even though her family tries to hep grandfather, he is getting serious, and grandpa struggle to finish the picture "River Boy". Jess was so sad and tired to just watch her lovely grandpa struggle and can't do anything for him. At that time, finally Jess meets a boy who was in the valley. Jess tell to him everything about situation and a boy suggest Jess to draw picture with him.

     Next day, Jess helps her grandpa even thought grandpa against it. Finally finish the picture "River boy".  At that night, Jess find a boy who suggest her to achieve he grandpa's last hope. A boy ask Jess to swimming together until the sea, but Jess rejects it. But Jess heard her grand pa goes to hospital, she tries to find a boy early, but there wasn't a boy. She just swimming along the valley, river, until the sea. At the sea she see the a boy, but police rescue her and her parents tell her, her father was died. 
                                                                                                               Korean Version "River Boy"

      At the final of the book, Jess swimming again in the river as swim is the best part of her life. After I read the book, I still cannot understand what a book wants to tell to reader. Many of experts agrees this novel is the most beautiful novel and this is the best novel to describe life as river. This story can be strange because of "a boy". But I think by this fantasy, it makes novel more calm and beautiful. As my position, this story tell us people spirit is grow by the poignant situation in life. Also almost books written by Tim bowler has similar themes. 

     I want to recommend this book as book that awarded Carnegie medal  by win the Harry Potter.   

2012년 1월 12일 목요일

[Late introduction] 13th day

  think it is too late to write about myself. But I think I have to do it.

     As you know my name is Oh Ye Chan, and my English name is Catherine Oh. I'm from Wonju, it is really near by KMLA.( I just take 30 minutes to go my home from GLPS)
I'm middle school student and maybe I will busy in 2012 because of my high school and my future.( I really hope my 2012 will not busy!)

     My hobby is read books, listen to music, go around only for myself, and drawing doodles......etc. Maybe I can;t introduce all of my hobby. It is not boast, also I don't want say boast to my self. But I think I am good at Photoshop, which is computer graphic program. So I did graphic and design pages of my school 2011 Yearbook.

     I don' t have favorite singer of celebrities, because I live in school so I can't know what happened in that world. Bu t I love Big bang, also my favorite pop song singer is Avril Lagvin and Taylor Swift.

     For another about me......
My favorite food: doughnuts, coffee, waffle, bread.......Oh I really love it!
My favorite movie: Um.... actually I don't watch movie often but I love Harry Potter.

     These are my short introduction^^ 

[GLPS Story] 13th day

     Today is fourth week, the last week of GLPS. As we planed, we had PE competition with all of students in GLPS. We called that 17th GLPS Olympic! Each classes chooses student for competition. There was soccer, basketball, dodge ball, also sports that we learned  in GLPS camp.
      During the GLPS Olympic day, there's  something happened. It was final part of GLPS Olympic. An amazing athlete man appears among the most awesome highlight of a day of Olympic. During the day no one saw that man. Through that man Level 1 class got win! Every member of the level one teams are shouted with joy. But imminently, they tried to fine that man. No one saw him correctly, and no one knows him about detail, because he was so fast.

     Until now students, and PAs TAs even though  teachers who are in 17th GLPS Olympic, don't know who is he. Only thing is he has long limb, like long, think giant. This story will maybe lingered in people in this Olympic like mystery story. 

[Words: Olympic, man, win, limb
 2 Similes & Metaphor:
 1 Alliteration:]

[Today is middle day of third week in GLPS!] 12th day


     I feel I just came to KMLA few days ago, but half of GLPS camp is already over.
I have only 9 days for this camp. Maybe I will never forget this camp.

     Actually, before I came to here, I was just sad. Because I stay in dormitory middle school. So winter vacation is heaven to me. BUT! I spent my vacation in here KMLA. I count how many days I stay at home, I is almost 2months per year. Then half of that days just go away because of GLPS. But I couldn't give up this camp, because this is mt first and last opportunity.

     First 2 weeks were terrible to me. Because I had many mistakes on my test for classes. Also I moved the class, it was make me really tired because I have to hurry to catch the lecture that I didn't learned. 

But I had days even though I was tired. All of thing in here were really nice.

     Pop song contest( we called it popcon), Dance Party, live with friend dormitory, classes, friends, teacher........anyway all of things of stories are get into my heart.

I hope I will finish this camp happily, and never forget it.

2012년 1월 9일 월요일

[Compliments] 10th day.

*Compliment 1

     Jung Yeon, I think you are so kind.
When I was nervous because of tomorrow's debate class test. You borrow me "Law Journal " Paper for me. By your help, I could study for my test. Thank you for morrow me your "Law Journal".

*Compliment 2

     Ye Jin, I think you are nice classmate.
In debate class, I was worried about my trial position. I don't know method to write questions, so my work was delayed. But you prepare your part, and by this I could focus on another work. Anyway thank you for help me.

[Complaint] 10th day

     On January 9th 2012, it was after second self-study time in dormitory. It was almost 00:00 am, and I was so sleepy. So I decided sleep early, and I will do my homework in the morning.

     But you were calling with your friend, and laughing and talking loudly. I mean so noisy. So I didn't sleep early and well, also I didn't do my homework, because I woke up late! Through this, I slept in class and get yellow card because of  my homework.

     I need an apology, and I have to borrow you a lecture note for today's class. Also you have to help me for my late homework. I hope you promise to other friends that you will never bother s by your noisy sound.

     If you do not, I will call to our room PA.

     I look forward to your response.

From_Oh Ye Chan

2012년 1월 6일 금요일

[My Dream] 6th Day

The Dream.

   I think dream is world of possible. Even though we think impossible we can make it possible if we dream about it. Also this word "Dream" is good friend to me. Because it helps me to achieve my goals in my life.
I'll never betray my friend Dream. Even though problems bothering me, even though there's barrier in my life. I think I'm too young to talk about dream, but I decided to write it, because I think it is necessary to me.

When I was child, just like 7 or 8 age, I just thought

"I'll be an artist, because I love to draw pictures"

Of course my dream was changed, and I think it will change and change again, 

Once, when I was 5th grade in elementary school student I decided to be industrial designer. I think this is awesome job and I think would really love it as I research about the job. Until last year.

   Maybe it was very sad moment to me. Suddenly in my mind something appeared. I thought, 
   But I was thankful. Because changed dream means shows infinite other dreams.

   So until now I struggle to find my dream and complete my life. Also in 2012, I wrote new list in my bucket list that I will complete and plan my future. Even though it will be not perfect, I really want to see and imagine my future.

[Short, Vain Animation]6th Day

This is a really short animation that I made in Art & Media class at my school.
I know there's no story, but it is first animation that I made.
I don't want made this movie, but it was teacher's order Q.Q

2012년 1월 4일 수요일

[Apologize to Lieju] 5th day

Background story

Dear Lieju

Lieju, I'm really sorry about I teased you. Also I'm sorry about 
I have made fun of your heights and mocked you in front of GLPS camp class
Then now I understand how you are sad and embarrassed by my fault.
I'll promise that I'll do not teased or make fun of someone again.
Also I'll promise that I'll do not talk about someone in front of people

I'll tell to class 21 about my apology that I made fun of you.
I hope you don't worry about it, I'll solve the problems with my classmates
So please don't tell about this situation to Mr. Ganse

I'm really sorry Lieju

January 5th 2012

Oh Ye Chan

2012년 1월 2일 월요일

[A letter] 3rd day

    This is first time to write a post. I don't know what I have to write. So I want write about letter

    December 31st 2011 I received a letter from me in December 31st 2010. I sent it about one year ago, and I received it after a year. I was really excited that FINALLY I read this letter.

    During I read the letter I felt I'm really growing up. Me of last year hopes so many things to me. After I read the letter, I checked the purpose of 2011. There's 10 purposes, and there's one purpose that I didn't Achieved. It was...

"Read one hundred books in 2011"

   I'm so sad, but I tried my best. In 2011 I read about 96books. For 2012 I'll not decide about how many I'm going to read. My mind was, I'll read books for my self, for my future.

   After I read my letter, I wrote a letter for me in December 31st 2012. In that letter, I wrote maybe 7 or 8 purposes. An now I try to forget it all, because it is not excited when I know about the letter all over the 2012. I hope that the 2012 is really exited.